
Community School Uniform Bank






Team Fundraisers

The cost of living crisis is pushing many families further into poverty. As parents make tough choices to cover the cost of heating and food, many are struggling to pay for their children's school uniform which cost an average of £337.

St Andrew's Youth Club, the Bessborough Family Hub and the Cardinal Hume Centre have come together to find a solution, to make sure children don't miss out on their education. We are launching a School Clothing Bank at St Andrew's Club, to provide any extra pieces of uniform that families cannot afford - to help ease the financial strain many families face.

With the average cost of maintaining a young person's school uniform for one year currently at £337, this is a crucial resource for those in need. Without the right uniform children feel excluded from the school community and can miss out on their education.

Donate today to make sure children continue their education

£15 Could buy a 5 pack of white collared shirts
£25 Could buy a 4 pack of black school trousers
£100 Could buy a child their school blazer

Thank you for donating to our School Uniform Appeal!

For over 155 years, St Andrew's has been enriching the lives of young people by providing a sense of belonging, fun, and informal education to over 500 members each year. Through this, they develop self-confidence, respect for others, and the ability to contribute to society as good citizens.

To arrange a collection of new or second hand school uniform, please contact Trish@standrewsclub.com

*The Children’s Society estimated the average cost of school uniforms to be £315 per primary pupil and £337 per secondary pupil.

St Andrew's Youth Club Logo

St Andrew's Youth Club


What your gift could provide


Could buy a 5 pack of white collared shirts


Could buy a 4 pack of black school trousers


Could buy a child their school blazer

£887.5 raised from 2 pages

Forsters LLP 10k Tough Mudder

£737.5 raised since August 2023

Help young people

£150 raised since February 2024