
Sharon is (finally!) trekking the Himalayas

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Hi everyone, After a few hiccups, my trip to the Indian Himalayas is back on track. I will finally be leaving on the 8th April to trek along just over 70 kilometres for The Whitehouse - a cancer support charity based in Dudley. I'll be tackling rough terrain, camping in basic shelters and dealing with awful weather...and I am all too aware of how hard this challenge is going to be. But it will all be worth it - having lost close friends and relatives to cancer, I'm happy to do all I can to help support those affected by this disease, no matter how difficult. Many have you have already kindly donated; thanks to your generosity I have already raised £735 through my last localgiving fundraiser and I am so grateful for all the support - but this is the last big push before I actually have to go climb a mountain range, so I'm calling on all my remaining family, friends and acquaintances (you know who you are!) to dig deep and help me reach my goal. I have self-funded this challenge so all donations towards this great charity are greatly appreciated - and please wish me luck!
White House Cancer Support Logo

White House Cancer Support

Dudley | Health & Wellbeing