
Shona cycles from Lands End to John O'Groats

Shona Robertson

Physical Challenge

67799 Logo

£3.26k of £1k





Team Fundraisers

In 2023, we found ourselves unwinding at the Bieldside Inn one evening after a particularly gruelling cycle from Aviemore to Aberdeen. It was then, over a bottle of wine, that we concocted the somewhat audacious idea of cycling the length of the country... for fun. The wine may have influenced our thinking, but the idea stuck. We shared it with our 'Friday Cycles' WhatsApp group, and soon, three other ladies had committed to join us on this adventure. That was it—the idea was born, and before we knew it, we were deep into planning.

On September 1st, 2024, four other ladies and I will embark on a journey from Lands End to John O'Groats, covering 1,000 miles in 14 days and climbing 57,000 feet along the way. We are funding this 'holiday' ourselves, but given the magnitude of the challenge, we decided it would be meaningful to support a local charity, allowing those less fortunate to benefit from our efforts.

I have chosen to support Camphill School Aberdeen for several reasons:

I live near Camphill and regularly witness the incredible support provided to its residents. Their values resonate deeply with me; every child and adult deserves a fulfilling life, regardless of their disabilities. Camphill offers its residents purpose, life, and meaning in abundance.

Additionally, one day while walking along the Deeside Railway Line with my dog and daughter, we met a family whose adult son was a Camphill resident. They spoke openly about how happy their son was at Camphill and the positive impact it had on his life, which brought them immense joy and peace. The only downside, they mentioned, is the 10-year waiting list. I later learned that Camphill is aiming to raise £10,000,000 in 10 years to increase their capacity by 60% enabling them to welcome more vulnerable young people with learning disabilities and their families who desperately need their specialist support, and I felt compelled to contribute in any way I could.

I would be so thankfully for any support you can provide to this amazing cause.

Thank you in advance and if you're on Strava please feel free to follow me and my efforts along the way:


Camphill School Aberdeen Logo

Camphill School Aberdeen

Aberdeen | Disability