
Shoppers Helper Service




Team Fundraisers

The Shoppers Helper Service helps mobility restricted people who live alone to come to Slough and do their own shopping. The Shopper Helper accompanies mobility restricted people around the town centre helping with shopping or simply spending time with them so reducing social isolation. People who use the Shoppers Helper are severly disabled, frail and wheelchair users who need the helper to push them around the town centre. Without the helper they could not access the town centre.

Why they need our service

The Shoppers Helper service is needed to assist mobility restricted people to remain independent for longer by enabling them to do their own shopping. The majority of our users live alone with no familiy local. Therefore they have no carers locally who can accompany them into Slough and help them do their shopping or attend to business such as collecting their pension. The Shoppers Helper empowers people to be independent.

Plan and expected results

The expected results are that mobility resricted people who are reliant on wheelchairs for mobility will be able to come into town and do such basis tasks as their own shopping. They will be able to remain in their own homes for longer and not dependent on Statutory Authority. The sevice will reduce Social Isolation and improve the health and welfare of an already disadvantaged sector of the community.

Slough Community Transport & Shopmobility Logo

Slough Community Transport & Shopmobility

Slough | Community Support & Development

What your gift could provide


Pays for a worker for an hour.


a worker for 2 hours