my name is Nicole and I’m at the young age of 25. I am excited to provide you with some information from the charity I and my partner are going to raise money for (although he doesn’t know!)
The charity I’m raising money for our Autisum Angels..
At Autism Angels they strive to balance the needs of the child with those of their siblings, parents and professionals. They understand that a role as a parent can be challenging and sometimes you can feel lost, worn down and exhausted. Their aim is that they can provide them with a place where you feel welcomed, accepted and find the support and guidance that helps them to run Family Fun Days throughout the year. Leaving feeling refreshed and with the tools to support the family.
To raise money and hit the target for an amazing charity like Autism Angels would mean the world to Andy and I. As I’ve grown up I’ve seen how hard my auntie Denise and mum Debi have worked over the years at a special needs school, with my cousin Zak and with special needs children outside of work. Both of these amazing women have made the school a better place with their kind hearts, open minds and understanding of each childs needs. If I could be half of what these women are, ten I will try my hardest! raising money for this charity would be the first step!
It is Andys birthday on the 11th March and something he and I have always wanted to do is sky dive. To be able to raise money for a charity and jump would be an amazing thing to do and I know how happy Andy will be once I finally tell him I’ve raised the amount for charity and that we will be jumping from the air will be amazing.
Here’s how your money could help;
£10 - helps us to run Family Fun Days throughout the year
£30- coaching to support parents of children on the Autism Spectrum
£100- helps autistic children improve social & communication skills & self esteem