
Al's Pals Skydive

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

Myself and others are doing a skydive to raise money for a new charity: Als Pals. This charity was created by Suzanne Brown in memory of her father Alan William Dumbell who sadly passed away from cancer in 2018. I have also lost many family members to cancer myself over the years and some are still fighting now. I think this charity is a brilliant way to support those going through these hard times.

Als Pals is based in Milton Keynes Cancer Center in MK Hospital. Als Pals supports patients and their families that are touched by cancer. They do this by befriending, advocacy and general support both emotionally and practically. 100% of monies raised will go towards this vital service in Milton Keynes. Any donations big or small are greatly appreciated, whether its money or time. If you are interested in helping in other ways like volunteering please don't hesitate to contact someone;    E: info@alspalsmk.co.uk W: www.alspalsmk.co.uk  
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Als Pals

MILTON KEYNES | Health & Wellbeing

Charity aids cancer patients with appointments, home support, and online community hub.