
Making October Miserable!

Non-sporting challenge




Team Fundraisers

Those of you that know me, will be well aware that my idea of a good Friday night dinner can often comprise of a pack of Marlboro and a bottle of Vino. The likelihood of getting money out of anyone for me giving up cabbage and sprouts for a month was pretty slim so instead, I am embracing Stoptober and Sober-tober. I'd throw in Maltesers as well but there's a limit to everything! DAG do an amazing job in our area, particularly for those struggling with the ever changing benefits system and how to navigate it. The vast majority of their work is done by volunteers and they provide a brilliant service with nowhere near enough money to meet demand! They are a vital resource in our community and those of us that work in the VCS sector are thankful they are there to provide much needed support. So please, spare a couple of pounds for them, surely me being grumpy for a month is worth it? ;-)
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Scarborough Disability Action Group

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