
1-day Fast for Foodbank Families

£245 of £300





Team Fundraisers

Celtic English Academy, in the heart of Cardiff, welcomes students from all over the world. A great many of them are currently observing the month of Ramadan, when Muslims do not eat or drink anything during daylight hours in order to reflect on what it means to not have access to these essentials and consider those less fortunate. 
As teachers here, a group of us try to join in at least for 1 day each year and to try to raise money for a good cause in the process. 
Our challenge is to go without any food or water for around 15 hours on Thursday 28th April 2022.
We will break our fast by joining hundreds of the local community in a shared feast at a local mosque.
Our chosen charity is Cardiff FoodBank. This was an easy choice as it ties in so naturally with the ideas behind Ramadan whilst also offering aid for the increasing number of families who have to rely on these donations, especially during a national cost of living crisis.
We dearly hope to raise as much as possible so please give whatever you can. All money raised goes directly to Cardiff Food Bank.
Thank you very much and Ramadan Mubarak!
Andrew and Celtic English Academy
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Cardiff Foodbank

Cardiff | Social Welfare

Cardiff Foodbank's vision is that no-one in Cardiff goes hungry. Gweledigaeth Banc Bwyd Caerdydd yw bod neb yng Nghaerdydd yn mynd yn newynog.