
Stay Active Stay Positive






Team Fundraisers

This Project aims to reach out to all ages in the community with Thai Boxing, Fitness & stretching exercises.

During the Covid 19 Pandemic our community centre has been reaching out to the community with online sessions, park sessions and indoor sessions where applicable.  Our aim is to continue to engage as as many people in the community to stay active and stay positive in the fight against Covid 19.

Example of some of our activities so far since the covid pandemic began are listed below: *Father and Son only sessions, Mother and Daughter only sessions, Youth Club sessions for both boys and girls, Park sessions for 13-17yrs, Online sessions for ladies 18-60yrs , Children 6-12yrs , juniors 13-17yrs as well as online sessions for the community at large.

We are seeking funding of £10,000 to support us for the year 2021 and beyond.

Funding will go towards our general operational cost, supporting our volunteer instructors as well as our community members to engage in our activities / projects for free.

This project is powered by Crowdfunder. We have so far raised £560 from Crowdfunder and have recently been accepted to also be supported by Community Fund with fundraising.

Your support with any amount as donation towards this project will be greatly appreciated.

Thai Boxing Community Centre Logo

Thai Boxing Community Centre


What your gift could provide


To support our community members from young to old to engage in our projects for free


To support our volunteer instructor's many of whom are struggling with loss of work.


to support contribution to our ongoing operational cost's.