
Himalayan Trek




Team Fundraisers

over the past two years I have managed to loose 8.1/2 stone. This has given me a new lease of life. I have always wanted to challenge myself but have never been able to due to been so overweight. I have a very good friend who has also agreed to come along with me. We have decided to challenge ourselves Trekking in the Himalayas. We will be sleeping in small 2 person tents and have a shovel for a toilet. We will be walking about 8 hours a day over a 5 day period and will be trekking At altitudes of up to 3050 Meters. Sharon and Myself have self funded our challenge and every penny we raise is going to our two chosen charity's. One of which is The Whitehouse Cancer Support. Please help us to help the Whitehouse by raising as much as we can. Thanking you for all your support Sue Shrimpton
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White House Cancer Support

Dudley | Health & Wellbeing