
Swansea Half Marathon

Physical Challenge

£190 of £100





Team Fundraisers

After participating in the Swansea 10k last year, and being inspired by friends, I will be running the Swansea Bay Half Marathon on June 9th! When I started running a few years ago, I could barely run 2k without stopping, so to run 21.1k this summer is going to be a huge challenge and achievement for me. I have been in the training the past couple months and hope to smash my longest ever run!

I will be running for a local charity called Faith in Families,  who support children and families going through hardship in South Wales.  Please consider making a donation. 
Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Board for Social Responsibility (Faith in Families) Logo

Swansea and Brecon Diocesan Board for Social Responsibility (Faith in Families)

Swansea | Community Support & Development

Building Brighter Futures