
The Fallen Woman Strikes Again!

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

Hi! I am doing another tandem skydive this autumn to raise awareness of homelessness in our borough, and funds for The Shelter Project Hounslow 2013-2014. Statistics are clear that the number of rough sleepers in Hounslow is rising. The next season of TSPH will continue to address their basic needs in our winter night shelters, and provide case working to help them move on from their circumstances. We are also looking to develop day time hubs so the homeless have somewhere to go year round. The funds I raise will be shared with other homeless concerns, as TSPH is a team player working with many others who seek to help rough sleepers. Please sponsor me, and help the homeless in our own neighbourhoods. Thank you so much! And GERONIMOOOOO!!! Andrée, Project CoOrdinator for TSPH
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Hestia Housing Support

London | Social Welfare