GETTING DOWN AND DIRTY!.... (in The Walled Garden at Mells)
I will be spending 10 weeks this autumn turning an old plant nursery into a thriving community enterprise.
I will be part of a team and together we are working on a challenge to GROW a land based education project aiming to tackle social isolation and contribute to mental and physical wellbeing in our local area.
This is known as therapeutic horticulture and it's been a dream of mine to be involved in something similar for the last few years! It combines my personal interest in gardening with the proven benefits of gardening for physical and mental health and wellbeing, an area in which I have worked for most of my life.
We are working with a local client to design and build an outdoor space, develop the service, design sessions for local groups and will launch the project at the end of October.
We hope this will be of benefit to many different groups across the area and we are raising the funds with which to get going ourselves, so please DIG DEEP and find a few pennies to help us PLANT the SEEDS OF CHANGE.
Thank you