
The White House Cancer Support

Someone Special




Team Fundraisers

This page is set up in memory of my children's father to help support the White House Cancer Support Charity as a thank you for all of the amazing help and support they gave us during his illness. Ruben was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer on June 6th 2013, and in that moment life as we knew it changed forever. Our days started to revolve around hospital visits, consultant appointments, scans and medications all of which took place at either New Cross hospital in Wolverhampton or The Queen Elizabeth in Birmingham. Lucas and Elijah were 5 and 2 years old when he was diagnosed, and life was already busy. This is where the White House stepped in to help. They provided transport to all of his radiotherapy and chemotherapy sessions which meant I didn't have to keep leaving the boys; they sat with him while he was having his CT scans; and they provided emotional support when it was most needed. Without their help family life for the boys would have ceased, and they would have been left even more scared and upset by what they were experiencing. Too many people suffer from this cruel disease, and whilst there are any number of charities out there fundraising to try and battle it and other cancers, too few people in my area know about the amazing volunteers at the White House who offer their help for free. Ruben passed away in early September, and Lucas and Elijah are now drawing from their loss and focusing on the positive help that can be given to others at such a difficult time. So far they have already raised more than £200 in cash for the White House, but I am hoping that through this I can help them to give so much more. Ruben died too young, and he died because as yet this cruel disease can't be stopped, but I hope, with your help, we can all make it a little bit easier for those out there that are still battling. Thank you in advance Katherine, Lucas and Elijah.
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White House Cancer Support

Dudley | Health & Wellbeing