
Tonic HQ Shop & Studio Appeal

Non-sporting challenge





Team Fundraisers

Earlier this year the wonderful Southsea Coffee raised an incredible £6,000 through shaving their beautiful heads & local artists donating amazing work that was auctioned. With the generosity of everyone whom contributed, Tonic have been lucky enough to secure a year's rent for our shop & studio in Highland Rd, Southsea. Tonic HQ shop & studio will be the new site for an array of music & art workshops, masterclasses & music tuition to help facilitate recovery and help give positive energy to support anyone suffering from or affected by mental health. The studio will also be home to two Tonic artists in residence. The shop will enable us to help make the project self financing & will serve as a safe place for people to meet others, socialise, gain confidence, listen to vinyl, have a coffee & get creative. We will also have a small exhibition space for local artists wishing to exhibit work. We have been working hard all summer to complete work in the building & still have a way to go. We desperately need support to purchase equipment to deliver workshops & tuition free to our community. As this is our first venture, we need a computer, printer, sewing machines, silk screening equipment, a small fridge, guitars, bass, keyboard, art supplies, record player, speakers etc… We also need funds to pay fees for our facilitators. Facilitators will be mostly local musicians, artists & people whom have attended workshops who find the confidence to facilitate their own workshops. There will be lots of opportunities for people to develop their creativity in music & art & Tonic will support individuals as much as possible. We also hope to offer opportunities to help organise Tonic gigs and events, publications, podcasts, outreach & so much more. We hope in time the Tonic shop will finance projects but to help get us started we really need your support. If you can donate, any amount will help us. Or if you have a fundraising idea please get in touch.
Tonic Music for Mental Health Logo

Tonic Music for Mental Health

PORTSMOUTH | Health & Wellbeing