Uni-Trips is an excursion based service that will benefit the students of Durham University through both volunteering opportunities and tours and will provide an income stream to Community Groups in the area and also Community Transport. All surplus income will be used by Community Transport to help sustain the accessible and affordable transport services being provided to people who cannot use conventional modes of transport that reside in the deprived and isolated communities of County Durham
Why they need our serviceUni-Trips will bring students from Durham University into local Community Groups and Projects as paying customers to learn about the cutlure and heritage of the communities in which the groups are situated. Through this there will be cultural exchange, an opportunity for the groups to celebrate their history and good works to an eager audience, and this will bring a welcome income stream into local groups who need this kind of financial assistance in these difficult times.
Plan and expected resultsUni-Trips will be available to all students who attend the many independent colleges of Durham University who total circa 15,000 individuals. During research for Uni-Trips many have stated that they would like to both volunteer and learn about the culture and heritage of the area in which they are studying. Uni-Trips will afford them that opportunity and through this it is aniticpated with some confidence that the membership of Uni-Trips will exceed 1,000 members with 3 trips per week.
Peterlee | Community Support & Development
Peterlee | Community Support & Development
Fill the minibus with diesel
Payment to a Community Group
A Gallon of Diesel for the Uni-Trips bus