
Walk a mile in ACM Shoes




Team Fundraisers

Age Connects Morgannwg are taking part in the Active Nation campaign this year. The aim is to encourage movement and kick start conversations about current inactivity levels in Wales  which have worsened during the COVID-19 pandemic. 
We want to prove that Wales can be an Active Nation, so will ask the people of Wales to pledge to walk, jog or run one mile anytime on the weekend of 6th-8th August 2021 – and encourage everybody they know to do the same. There is no cost to taking part, people can participate alone or with family or friends from any location. 

You can make a donation to Age Connects Morgannwg, which will support the work we are doing within the community. This donation will help us encourage older people to come back into the community following the pandemic and become active again.
Age Connects Morgannwg Logo

Age Connects Morgannwg

Aberdare | Health & Wellbeing

ACM is a charity for older people living in RCT, Bridgend & Merthyr Tydfil. We're about older people getting the help they want, when they need it.

What your gift could provide


Helps our I&A team generate income to older people in povery


Pays volunteer's expenses to visit and isolated older person twice a month


Trains 1 staff member/ volunteer to provide engaging activity in care home settings