
Steppin' Out for Huntington's

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

In April I'll be steppin’ out on the Camino de Santiago, following the Portuguese costal route from Porto to Santiago de Compostela. Over the course of 14 days I hope to walk at least 300kms. I have walked the Camino twice before but along different routes and with family. This time I’ll be walking solo and hope to raise money and awareness for Huntington’s Disease, a genetic ‘neuro-degenerative’ disorder which damages or kills the neurons in the brain. All funds raised will be donated to the Huntingdon’s Disease Association NI (HDANI). HDANI works throughout Northern Ireland providing support, information, advice and social connections to those living with the impact of Huntington’s Disease. Any support you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

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Huntingtons Disease Association Northern Ireland

Belfast | Disability