
What Goes Up...

Physical Challenge

£100 of £150





Days left

Having just missed a world record running up Tower 42 in London nine times in succession last year, I thought I'd try a literal change of direction. Hence I'm going to face my fear (not of heights - I hate rope. Also falling, sudden stops...) and abseil down the 200ft side of Aylesbury's own tower block; the County Council Offices. I'll do this while dressed as King Kong (naturally) and hope to raise at least £150 for Youth Bank; a local charity supporting projects for youngsters. I really hope you'll support my efforts for this local charity because as the event gets closer (September 7th) I get more aware that I've not abseiled since I was 14 (27 years ago) and that was about 10ft, at most... Thanks in advance for your kindness! Paul


Youth Bank

Aylesbury | Community Support & Development

Youth Bank Logo

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