
Zoe and Tim's bike adventure #bikeswithoutbarriers

Physical Challenge

£782 of £500





Days left

We are setting off on an overland adventure to Istanbul. Taking the ferry to the Hook of Holland on 3 May we will be cycling through Europe to the closest border of Asia. We are packing light (leaving friends horrified by the lack of pants we are taking) with the aim to cycle and camp for 10 weeks as much of the way as we are able. This has been a dream for a long time that we were never sure whether we'd actually be able to do but with some luck, rash decisions and spreadsheet planning we are making it happen! Whilst this is a dream of ours we also want to use the opportunity to help the Bristol Bike Project with their work in the community by raising awareness and hopefully some money too. A large portion of our route follows a similar trail to that taken by refugees crossing Europe. Bike Project works with refugees and other marginalised people in the community with their earn a bike scheme. The Bristol Bike Project aim to help people from all walks of life get out on two wheels and for it to be an inclusive and empowering experience. Since they started in 2008, they have re-homed almost 2,000 bikes with marginalised people across Bristol through their Earn-a-Bike programme. Your support is what keeps this programme running. http://thebristolbikeproject.org/our-workshops/earn-a-bike/ If you'd like to support our big adventure by donating to the Bristol Bike Project you can donate here and follow our journey on instagram - @zoeandtim #bikeswithoutbarriers #zoeandtimgogogo


The Bristol Bike Project

| Social Welfare

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