Wales focus: three beneficiaries of our £3m+ national programme.

Localgiving is proud of our remarkable partnership that has delivered over £3m of funding for good causes across Wales between 2016 and 2023 This dedicated national programme has seen Localgiving and our funding partners support over 500 organisations across all 22 counties in Wales. This assistance has proved particularly valuable aiding groups through Covid-19, rising energy prices and the cost of living crisis, among other challenges. You can read more about the programme by clicking here and we are delighted to be able to showcase three of the projects that have benefited from our work in Wales. (Yn Y Cymraeg).


With Music in Mind 

The organisation joined Localgiving and the Wales programme on 11th September 2019. They have since run three online appeals, had five fundraisers and successfully applied for three £500 Magic Little Grants via Localgiving. They have also received two of our Community Matters Fund grants, each for £10,000, one for a Warm Bank to combat Fuel Poverty and another to combat Loneliness and Social Isolation. They have unlocked their £250 match funding and raised over £10,300 since joining Localgiving.

“Before joining Localgiving, we had never raised funds online or run an online appeal. Our fundraising had been through event sponsorship, collections, raffles and sales of goods. The programme has had a really positive impact on our fundraising activities. It has been so useful for when we want to raise money for a specific cause, or when we need help to bolster our income to continue our groups.”

The funds have been mainly used to support their organisation to continue its core work, the provision of singing and social, and gentle exercise and social groups. They have also used funds for specific purposes, such as purchasing equipment or towards events costs. “Our group members benefit by being able to continue attending our groups, improving their mental well-being and reducing feelings of loneliness. Around 200 people have benefited directly, but many more benefit indirectly from the work that we do.”

“The support offered by the programme has enabled us to learn effective ways of raising funds online via the Localgiving platform, using a variety of tools such as appeals. The team feels more confident with fundraising online, setting up the fundraisers and sharing links via our social media, which in turn helps to raise awareness of our work.”

“With Music In Mind relies on grants and donations in addition to our membership income and corporate sponsors, so belonging to Localgiving has been a Godsend to our organisation. Through appeals and fundraising, and a variety of grants we have raised a much larger amount than we could ever have believed. This has enabled us to continue our vital work and support older people in the community to feel less lonely and to improve their well-being.”

Outside Lives

The organisation joined Localgiving’s Wales programme on 4th March 2021. They have run four online appeals and received two £500 Magic Little Grants. They have unlocked their £250 match funding and raised over £9,000 since joining Localgiving.

Outside Lives, a non-profit organisation based in North Wales, faced a fundraising challenge. They had never raised funds online before and were seeking new ways to engage with potential donors. This lack of online presence limited their ability to reach a broader donor base and generate funds for their projects. They were in need of a solution to enhance their fundraising efforts and expand their reach.

“After joining the programme, Outside Lives experienced a significant improvement in fundraising activities. The programme not only helped them reach new people but also saw a substantial increase in the number of people who contributed to various appeals. We were overwhelmed by the generosity of these new supporters, and this outpouring of contributions demonstrated the effectiveness of the Localgiving platform.”

“Localgiving played a crucial role in the success of Outside Lives' appeals, particularly building a counselling space and raising funds for a mini-bus. These appeals were incredibly successful, thanks to the help and exposure provided by Localgiving.”

“The support offered by Localgiving extended beyond just financial assistance. It also increased Outside Lives' confidence in their fundraising efforts. The programme helped the organisation understand the nuances of online fundraising and raising awareness about our work among a larger audience. As a result, we became more self-assured and effective fundraisers, further advancing our mission.”

“Localgiving not only provided a platform for fundraising but also matched Outside Lives' fundraising efforts, significantly boosting the impact of the appeals. This additional financial support and exposure were instrumental in driving our appeals forward. Localgiving is a fantastic and invaluable resource.”

Sketty Foodbank

The organisation joined Localgiving and the Wales programme on 5th December 2022. They have since run one online appeal and received two £500 Magic Little Grants. They have unlocked their £250 match funding and raised over £4,000.

Before Sketty Foodbank in Swansea joined Localgiving, it had been in existence for about 10 months and it hadn’t run an online appeal before. “We benefited from encouragement and advice from Localgiving's Wales National Manager. Our online appeal was a huge success. Linked to three challenges undertaken by Foodbank volunteers (a sponsored walk along part of the Gower coast, a 5k run and a skydive), it attracted far more donations than we’d expected. The offer of £250 “match funding” from Localgiving (including Gift Aid which Localgiving helpfully handled) was an excellent motivation. Ultimately we reached that target and managed to considerably exceed it.”

“The success of this online fundraising has increased our confidence, as a result of which we’re likely to do fundraising of this type again. The online appeal, publicised by many of the volunteers among friends and others and repeatedly promoted in social media, encouraged many more to donate to the Foodbank and learn about it. The appeal page displayed enthusiastic comments from individual donors.”

“The money gained through Localgiving has greatly helped the Foodbank to buy more essential food to include in food parcels. Demands have been growing, partly because of the rise in basic food prices. The number of people helped by the Foodbank has increased enormously in the last year, from 150 a month to typically about 150 a week.”

“In common with the other volunteers, I get much satisfaction from volunteering and knowing that it improves the lives of local people in difficulties. Anna, one of the volunteers, first came to the Foodbank as an asylum seeker, having attended protests against Putin before being forced to flee Russia. She said “I was very embarrassed that I had to go to the Foodbank, but when I saw the kind and generous faces of the volunteers, I breathed a sigh of relief. I really wanted to thank them, but I had nothing to offer but my hands. And I cautiously asked if I could become a volunteer. I started to believe in people again - in humanity. I really almost lost my belief with what is going on with Russia.” She is a much valued volunteer every week. 

Diolch yn fawr

Localgiving’s Wales programme has now ended, after a number of years of generous support from funders including The National Lottery Community Fund, Garfield Weston Foundation and Waterloo Foundation. Thank you to those organisations. If you are a funder, or support the third sector, and would like to speak to us about future partnership work in Wales, please contact Luke Upton, our Head of Communications,  or use our contact us form to speak to another member of the team.