
Cost of Living Crisis Appeal

£8.03k of £50k





Team Fundraisers

As we head into winter the situation for people and families struggling on low incomes looks bleak.

The price of food has risen faster in the last year than any time since 1980, typical energy bills have doubled, rents and other household costs are escalating and mortgages are climbing at rates not seen in more than 30 years.

The ripple effect of trying to get by on very little money is felt in every area of a person’s life. The immediate need to keep a roof over the head and put food on the table is pressing enough but then there is the hidden toll of poverty – poor mental health, low self-esteem, domestic abuse and family breakdown.

That’s we are widening our Cost of Living Appeal, formerly known as Poverty Hurts, to provide  resources to grassroots charities and voluntary groups in Wiltshire and Swindon who are addressing the issues caused by the cost of living crisis.

But we need your help to do this.

We know from talking to local food banks, debt counsellors, family support groups and mental health groups  that they are already seeing more families and individuals coming to them for help and are expecting this to rise significantly in the coming months.

Swindon Carers Centre told us some carers have been forced to restrict their energy use and children go and sit in their beds to keep warm when they get home from school.

A day centre for older people in Salisbury has told us that due to increased running costs they've had to make a small increase in the cost of the hot meals and day centre activities. Three of their clients now bring sandwiches as they could not afford the extra £1 that was required.

Citizens Advice Wiltshire has said that they are receiving a call every 30 seconds from someone concerned about debt or rising energy prices.

How you can help 
Through our Cost of Living Appeal we will support frontline charities helping families and individuals struggling to make ends meet - whether that be through food, mental health support, money advice, providing support for fuel bills or somewhere warm for them to go.

But they need our support to do this. Additional demand and significant increases in their running costs mean some are at risk of having to make difficult decisions about the services they can afford to offer.

We know there is additional pressure on all our finances this year but if feel you are in a position to be able to pass on some of your Energy Bill Support Grant or just wish to donate, we can redirect it to where it is needed most, helping to support vulnerable local people at a time of crisis.

We will be hugely appreciative of any amount you feel able to give. 

Thank you.         


Wiltshire Community Foundation

Devizes | Community Support & Development

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What your gift could provide


To give support where it is most needed


To give support where it is most needed


To give support where it is most needed

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