
Survivors' Network's 30th Anniversary

£391 of £500





Team Fundraisers

The 25th of November is Survivors' Network's 30th birthday - thirty years of supporting survivors, believing survivors, and advocating for a world that is kinder for all of us.

We are a support service for survivors of sexual violence and their loved ones, offering counselling, advocacy, a helpline, online resources and (in ordinary times) group-work. We also deliver training, work hard to promote awareness of the prevalence of sexual assault, and try to change the culture that allows it to happen. We aim to reduce the stigma attached to sexual violence and abuse, to support survivors to have a better experience of the criminal justice system, and to educate around consent and healthy relationships. You can find out more about our services here, and our values as an organisation here.

Last year, we supported 1,342 people aged between two months and 82 years old and delivered training to over 200 people. Whilst the stigma of reporting sexual violence may appear to be lifting - in Sussex referrals to the police have doubled in the last four years, with Sussex Police currently receiving approximately five reports of rape per day - referrals to our services also continue to rise, with our Counselling waiting list now over two years long. To put it simply, with increasingly difficult economic and social pressures, we are struggling to do our job – a job that shouldn’t have to be done in the first place.

We believe survivors. We work to change the culture within Britain. We have worked to help thousands of survivors in the last thirty years, and we want to be here for the survivors of the next thirty, to create a world where survivors are believed and where sexual violence is not tolerated - will you help us?   


Survivors' Network

Brighton | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring

Survivors' Network Logo

What your gift could provide


An hour of emotional support via our helpline


An hour of counselling for a young person


A course of safety & stabilisation sessions for a survivor

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