
Surviving Winter 2022

£150.74k of £200k





Team Fundraisers

Over the last 12 years, we have been able to support hundreds of households living in fuel poverty across our county thanks to the generosity of our donors.

This year it would not be an exaggeration to say that our Surviving Winter programme has never been needed more.

It is a sad reality that some elderly and vulnerable members of our communities are facing one of their bleakest and most challenging winters ever. Many will be confronted with cruel decisions about heating their homes or eating properly. Without help they will find it almost impossible to keep themselves warm, safe and healthy through the coming winter months.

Older people and those with health conditions are particularly vulnerable in colder weather, which can worsen respiratory and circulatory illness and is known to aggravate Alzheimer’s and dementia. On average 300 older people in our county die of cold-related illness each year and there is real concern that with the financial pressures people are facing the number this year could be even higher.

In response to this increased need we will again be working with partners including Age UK Wiltshire, Warm and Safe Wiltshire and Wiltshire and Swindon Citizens Advice to support elderly and vulnerable people in our local community. Our partners will address people’s immediate needs through grants to pay energy bills, advice on making their homes more energy efficient, help with applying for benefits they may not ever have known they were entitled and practical support including food and clothing.

But in order to do this we need your help. 

We know there is additional pressure on all our finances this year but if feel you are in a position to be able to pass on some of your Winter Fuel Allowance, Energy Bill Discount or just wish to donate we can redirect it to where it is needed most, helping to support vulnerable local people at a time of crisis.

Together we can make a real difference to the lives of vulnerable people in our communities. 

Thank you for your support.


Wiltshire Community Foundation

Devizes | Community Support & Development

Wiltshire Community Foundation Logo

What your gift could provide


Supporting vulnerable people in Wiltshire and Swindon this winter


Supporting vulnerable people in Wiltshire and Swindon this winter


Supporting vulnerable people in Wiltshire and Swindon this winter

£31.72k raised from 5 pages

Devizes Constituency Community Fund

£24.96k raised since February 2024

Rupert Smith Memorial Fund

£281.25 raised since July 2022

The Dan Webber Fund

£3.47k raised since June 2022

Millie's Fund

£356.25 raised since April 2022

Welcome Fund

£2.65k raised since October 2021