Mutual Aid Food Willesden Logo

Mutual Aid Food Willesden

Willesden Green | Community Support & Development


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We run a food bank serving people in need, in and within reach of, the Willesden Green part of Brent. We are a group of committed volunteers, drawn from, and serving, one of the most ethnically diverse places in the UK, which contains pockets of severe economic deprivation. We have no political, religious or ethnic affiliations. Our affiliation is to the people who live in our midst.    
Once a week (Tuesdays) we provide free supplies of food and other essential items to people in need, whether they be single, elderly people, young famliies or anything in between. 

While much of what we provide is generously donated by supermarkets and other charitable organisations, we have to buy some items, such as nutritional fresh fruit and vegetables and other essentials, such as nappies, baby milk, sanitary products, toiletries and cleaning materials. 

We also have to pay overheads to maintain, and work in, our stock room through the week. All of this costs money, which is why we constantly need cash donations to keep us going. 

Find out more about what we do at mutualaidfoodwillesden.org   

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£598.75 raised from 5 pages

Kensal Tri Team at Blenheim

£221.25 raised since May 2023

Mutual Aid Food Willesden #JoinUsForDinner

£37.5 raised since May 2020

Mosaic Cats for Willesden Green

£45 raised since February 2015

Growing veggies with Kids - Urban experience

£180 raised since November 2014

Greening Willesden Green

£115 raised since November 2014