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Wings South West

BIDEFORD | Education & Training


Raised in 2024


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We look to give disadvantaged young people a 'future and a hope' by encouraging positive relationships through participation in creative learning opportunities and therefore increasing self-esteem, confidence and skills. We do this by providing motivational projects in a safe and non-threatening environment where learning under pins the projects which enables young people to make mistakes and to learn from them.

Why the community needs us

We operate a variety of projects. Our evening cafe style youth clubs are called The Source. Trax is a motor mechanics project for schools as well as those who are NEET (Not in Employment, Education or Training). Our NEET programme also involves day time drop-in sessions including a thriving Young Parents group and other initiatives aiming to give qualifications and enhance life opportunities. Other activities include street dance, weekend sports and youth work at the local secondary school.

Our impact on the community

We work with a whole range of young people all of whom can access our activities which we aim at everyone. Young people include sportsmen and women, young offenders, NEETs, students who are struggling with mainstream education, young parents, volunteers who want to expand their experiences and learn new skills through our training programmes and young people who want to explore and develop their faith. We have a variety of stories about how Wing's work has helped the lives of many.

Our details

Wings Hall, BIDEFORD EX39 2BJ

£0 raised from 3 pages

Trax Motor Mechanics

£0 raised since January 2012

Young Parents Drop-in

£0 raised since January 2012

NEET Drop-in.

£0 raised since January 2012