Oscar Birmingham was chosen as BBL's charity partner for 2020 and we were looking forward to shining a spotlight on the tremendous work that they do at our Annual Ball on 20th June, which has now sadly been postponed.
The BBL Team are keen to show our support nonetheless and have volunteered to do so by way of baked goods!! Team member entries will be judged (virtually of course) by Co-Chairs Kishma and Tamina on Monday 25th May at 6pm!
Why don't you join us? Please bake your very own creation (cakes, cookies, pastries, anything!) and share your photos and videos with the hash tag #BBLbakeoff. We'd love all our members to get involved!
Oscar Birmingham continue to offer support to so many families even during these difficult times and our support could not come at a better time. Please therefore also make a donation, whatever the amount, to help us smash our modest targetl!!
Thank you, and stay safe.
The BBL Team