
Help me help Bath City Farm!

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

I am hoping to complete the Bath Half Marathon to raise money for Bath City Farm. The farm is an amazing place for kids and  adults to be outdoors, learn about nature and have fun. But it also does a huge amount of work supporting adults struggling with various mental health concerns, helping provide a safe space, build confidence, meet people and learn new skills. In a time when so many are struggling, places like this are so important. But it is a charity and run entirely on grants and donations. I have just started running again after a long time, I have remembered how much exercise benefits mental and physical health. Setting myself this  challenge will not only help me but hopefully raise money for this important cause.

Bath City Farm Logo

Bath City Farm

Bath | Health & Wellbeing

Bath City Farm aids mental health and learning challenges with courses and activities, also serving as a free educational attraction for families. It needs donations to sustain its impactful community support programs.