
DK does the Bath Half 2020

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

This year i will be running the Bath Half Marathon to raise money for Bath City Farm.

With the current global climate of environmental awareness often at the forefront of news at the moment they're doing a lot of great work to inspire environmental awareness and activity in the younger generation and throughout the wider local community. 

They also provide a safe space to support disadvantaged people to develop new skills and confidence and provide engagement with the local community a swell as seeking to educate people on farming and where their food comes from.

It costs about £850 a day to run the farm and it is very difficult to get grants to cover these expenses. Your efforts will help to secure the future of the farm. So please do give generously

Bath City Farm Logo

Bath City Farm

Bath | Health & Wellbeing

Bath City Farm aids mental health and learning challenges with courses and activities, also serving as a free educational attraction for families. It needs donations to sustain its impactful community support programs.