I can't believe I'm actually saying this but I am going to be jumping out of a plane to raise funds for the Wessex MS Therapy Centre. This is a charity close to me because some of you may or may not know I have had MS for nearly 7 years.
I have been very lucky so far and my MS is fairly mild. In the future I may need these therapy sessions so I feel it is vital that we keep this local therapy centre funded to help people within our community.
Wessex MS Therapy Centre are a self-funded registered charity, providing therapies and emotional support for people with multiple sclerosis and other conditions, such as Cancer, sports injuries, ME and chronic fatigue among many other conditions. They offer physical therapies to aid symptom management, promoting and enabling independence to improve well-being and quality of life. The therapies include physiotherapy, kinesiology, reflexology, oxygen therapy, counselling, massage therapy, nutritional advice, pilates and yoga.
MS is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system where the immune system gets confused and attacks the cells. It comes in all shapes and forms and is different for everyone diagnosed which means it can hide itself very well to the outside but for someone with the condition these therapy sessions can help alleviate some of the symptoms and improve recovery.
Being diagnosed today is not the same as 20 years ago as there are so many treatments that can help slow the progression. A common misconception is that everyone with MS won't be able bodied. Either that or people assume you are fine because you are not in a wheelchair. The most typical symptoms are fatigue, nerve pain, vertigo, numbness and eye sight issues.