
Junction Road and Cowlishaw Road Street Trees

£1.77k of £1.45k





Days left

Junction Road and Cowlishaw Road Street Trees
The Junction Road and Cowlishaw Road Street Trees project aims to plant at least 20 street-trees along Junction Road and Cowlishaw Road. Following a successful fund-raising campaign in 2023, local people funded 10 trees that were planted along Junction Road in December 2023. The species planted included Sessile Oak, Elm, Hornbeam, London Plane, Ginkgo Biloba, Common Hawthorn, Stone Pine, Sorbus Cardinal Royal and Yew.

We are now raising additional funding to plant a further 10 trees that will be located along Cowlishaw Road and around the bottom of Junction Road (near Hunters Bar School). We hope to transform Junction Road and Cowlishaw Road into to a leafy, green triangle that will be a significantly more pleasant place for both local residents and people passing through. Trees form a critical part of the ecosystem and help clean our air, trap atmospheric carbon and provide shelter and habitat for birds and insects.

This project is led by two local residents under the guidance of NESST (Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation). NESST has already successfully coordinated the funding to plant over 256 trees in the local area, and aims to enhance green spaces, increase the biodiversity of the local area and combat the effects of the climate crisis.

We seek funding from local residents and other supporters in the wider community to fund half of the cost of 10 trees that will be planted in December 2024. (The other half of the cost will be subsidised by NESST).

Planting a street tree costs around £725 in Sheffield, so we need to raise £3625 to half fund the 10 trees we are aiming for. We are therefore looking for donations from individuals – however large or small – to fund or part-fund planting a tree. We aim for real community engagement in this project and we will consult residents about the location and selection of tree species. Please support us via a donation to make a positive impact on our local environment and make Junction Road and Cowlishaw Road a much nicer place to live. If you would like to get involved in this project, please contact us via info@nesstsheffield.org

Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation Logo

Nether Edge and Sharrow Sustainable Transformation


What your gift could provide


will go towards a street tree


will go towards a street tree


will go towards a street tree