
Half marathon for Derby Women’s Centre

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

When my Dad asked if I’d like to join him on his 100th marathon by ‘just doing a half if I feel I can’, I knew it would be my biggest physical challenge so far!

Fitting in the training without straining weak joints feels daunting, especially the build up to longer distances, but I’m hopeful to maintain a steady walk-jog and complete it in the 3.5hr cutoff time- getting back before my dad (wish I’d got his running genes)!

To mark this milestone I’m running to raise money for Derby Women’s Centre, a fab local charity who have been steadily supporting women in the City for years through a variety of projects including counselling. Please give what you can, check out their website or help spread the word about what they do.
Derby Women's Centre Logo

Derby Women's Centre

Derby | Social Welfare