
Pixooma Day - Fundraiser for World Homeless Day





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As part of the 10 Year Anniversary celebrations of Pixooma Ltd, we're looking at various ways we can 'give back' to our customers and the wider community. We've chosen 10.10.24 as our 'Pixooma Day' where we'll be answering anyone's graphic design queries in #AskPixoomaAnything. When we realised this same date was World Homeless Day we realised it would be a great opportunity to raise money for a worthy cause as well. So we are starting a fund and asking those that use the #AskPixoomaAnything tag to consider (though not mandatory) contributing also.

The fundraiser is for 'The Daylight Centre Fellowship' a local charity that provides a wide range of incredible services to people who are homeless and/or rough sleeping such as a hot meal, access to a shower, help with applying for benefits, clothing vouchers and much more.

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Daylight Centre Fellowship

Wellingborough | Community Support & Development