
Half marathon for Bath City Farm

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

I won’t be fast, I won’t be graceful, but I will be finishing the Bath Half Marathon to raise £250 for Bath City Farm!

It’s not just my workplace, it’s a charity I believe in - we work with children and adults who are experiencing mental health difficulties and/or additional needs. We’re a community that work together to care for 37 acres of land situated in an area of Bath facing some of the highest rates of challenge in the UK. 

My team and I focus on children and young people who come to us for a variety of reasons. Animal care, gardening and time in nature sets the scene for building skills, growing confidence and strengthening resilience. 

I haven’t run this far in years, so please help me keep running, to help the farm keep running!
Bath City Farm Logo

Bath City Farm

Bath | Health & Wellbeing

Bath City Farm aids mental health and learning challenges with courses and activities, also serving as a free educational attraction for families. It needs donations to sustain its impactful community support programs.