






Team Fundraisers

Across the UK, hundreds of thousands of people are affected by addiction, compulsive behavior and habits such as alcohol, drugs, gambling, pornography, food and social media.  This is a community problem that requires a community approach. Steps To Active Recovery (STAR) is building a network of trained communities, comprising of churches and organisations that offer a comprehensive range of services that will enable people to be set free and live life to the full.
Why they need our service

 Addiction is on the increase and it is known that a person’s recovery is much more likely to succeed and flourish if they have people journeying with them.  There are many organisations across the UK doing great things to help people in addiction, but they are not always working together and often, a great initiative runs out of steam and disappears because its organisers are struggling to cope with all the demands and pressures that are being put upon them.
STAR is about changing the culture that exists around addiction services.  Across the UK, STAR want to have volunteer-led Recovery hubs that are brilliantly run by the expertly-trained personnel who are getting all the advice and support they need to keep going.
Plan and expected results

 In the future, people affected by addiction will choose to go to a STAR-approved venue because of its reputation for being safe and trustworthy.  It’ll be a place where lives are being changed.  Every hour. Every day!



Bournemouth | Health & Wellbeing

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What your gift could provide


2 leader books for a recovery course


Sponsoring the STAR completion award that a church/organisation receives when they are STAR approved


A month’s membership of a small church

£35.13k raised from 7 pages


£125 raised since August 2020

Faithworks Recovery

£193.75 raised since July 2020

Bournemouth Town Pastors

£0 raised since February 2018

Blandford Food Bank+

£9.91k raised since January 2018

Christchurch Food Bank

£7.22k raised since January 2018

Poole Food Bank+

£11.51k raised since January 2018

Wimborne Food Bank

£6.17k raised since January 2018