
Save Jubilee Pool - 24hr Swim

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

My local pool, Jubilee Bristol is at severe risk of closure due to the local council wishing to remove it from its leisure program. 

Swimming has been a fundamental part of my fitness routine and has helped me loose over 5st. Not only this, its played a huge role in supporting my mental health during the current pandemic.

Jubilee is where I first got into the water as a child, learning to swim with school. Achieving my 25, 50, 100, 200 metre sew on badges and so on. It’s always been there and has been a part of my local community for as long as I can remember. (85yrs to be exact)

It would be devastating to see it close. 

On the 29th of January 2022, I am taking part in a sponsored 24hr swim to help raise funds for the pool.

Obviously I’m not going to be able to swim solidly for this length of time but an aiming to continuously swim for 4-6hrs to do as much as I can to give back to the pool. 

Any donations, no matter how small will be hugely appreciated! 

Friends of Jubilee Pool (Bristol) Logo

Friends of Jubilee Pool (Bristol)

Bristol | Sports & Recreation