

Non-sporting challenge





Team Fundraisers

I'm Chris, I'm now 16... But for over 20years my Dad has been saving lives as a volunteer doctor for Suffolk Accident Rescue Service. This fantastic organisation, run entirely as a charity with no funding streams, serves all of Suffolk. Those who know me, will likely know Dad's 4wd Subaru with its flashing blue lights and high viz strip. That is Dad' own car... Not a work's car, with high running costs in addition to him donating all his time and expertise when called out to horrific road accidents, trauma and major medical emergencies. He, like the other volunteers - (under two dozen of them) can literally "bring the hospital to the patient" and administer highly skilled trauma/life support to ensure greater chance of survival, plus minimising long term disability for severely injured accident victims.Dad turns out in all weather, day and night, often after a long day at work as a full time GP.... And I have never seen him flinch or hesitate - always willing to help any situation however distressing or major. I have grown up with this.... It is normal family life for us to see Dad sit down to a meal... Then dash out seconds later... Maybe for an hour or two... Sometimes longer depending on the incident. Or to spend half the night at a road accident and still go to work with a smile next morning. Despite gruesome things he has seen and dealt with. Such dedication to a voluntary activity is inspirational... And as his son I have the hugest respect for what he has been doing for over two decades. These are special guys. Who seek no personal reward whatsoever, who often go unnoticed alongside the Ambulance teams... Assumed to be part of statutory services. They aren't. They are a small number of incredibly generous men and women - and any of us might one day need their help unexpectedly. To show my respect I will have my head completely shaved on March 26th ... A CLOSE SHAVE being a phrase survivors often use. My aim... To raise £999! Please help me do it!
Suffolk Accident Rescue Service Logo

Suffolk Accident Rescue Service

Bury St Edmunds | Health & Wellbeing