
Adult Carers Activities




Team Fundraisers

Giving Adult Carers much needed time out from their caring roles giving them the opportunity to socialise with others in a similar situation

Why they need our service

If we keep Carers relaxed and rested they are better able to provide long term care for the person they care for which is better for them and better for the county as it saves a considerable amount of money (around £57m locally) keeping people out of care and independent at home.

Plan and expected results

Well supported Carers within the community keeping more disabled people at home and out of care homes which is more cost effective for all.

charity media
Northamptonshire Carers Logo

Northamptonshire Carers

Wellingborough | Social Welfare

What your gift could provide


Tea & Biscuits for Support Groups or newsletters


Day out for a Carer


2 Pamper Days for Carers ('me' days)