Northamptonshire Carers Logo

Northamptonshire Carers

Wellingborough | Social Welfare


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Northamptonshire Carers recognise the contribution to the community made by unpaid Carers, including Young Carers and we endeavour to empower Carers to improve their quality of life. Our organisation is Carer-led and our developments will be in response to Carers needs.

Why the community needs us
We assist Carers to care for longer which is good for them, good for the person they care for and good for the economy as the cost of funding one Carer is tiny by comparison to the cost of a residential placement or home care package

Our impact on the community
Carers that are supported well are able to continue to care. The caravan is just a small part of the services we as an organisation provide to Carers.

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Our details

Anne Goodman Centre for Carers, 123 Midland Road, Wellingborough NN8 1LU

£4.85k raised from 13 pages

Local Hero 2019

£268.75 raised since February 2019

Bringing Families Together

£800 raised since November 2018

Hannah's Gruelling 12k Iron Run Challenge

£92.5 raised since May 2017

Iron Run: muddy fun and obstacles!

£251.25 raised since April 2017

The Big Bike Ride

£2.35k raised since April 2017

Carers Choir & Ukele Group

£0 raised since April 2016

A World Without Dementia

£156.25 raised since October 2015

Running the Great North Run for Northants carers

£340.63 raised since August 2015

Wendy Williams

£388.75 raised since April 2015

Going sober for October!

£196 raised since September 2014

Holiday Lodge, Carers Breaks

£0 raised since October 2012

Young Carers Activity Fund

£0 raised since August 2012

Adult Carers Activities

£0 raised since August 2012