We work with mixed media, with both in-house and outside facilitators ensuring a wide range of activities. If funding allows small groups go out into the community with Charity supervision to enjoy educational visits to libraries, art galleries and museums. We are fortunate to have sixth form students from a local school who volunteer at this project. This project runs for a full day each week.
Why they need our service
This activity enables local people with a LD to be actively involved in a creative weekly project. The activity is user driven, the members are consulted about the way they wish to spend their time at the weekly Art and Craft day. Team work is encouraged, staff and volunteer/member with LD ratio is a low one enabling one to one work. This project raises awareness of the problems experienced by people with a LD amongst the younger generation as we are pro-active in finding student volunteers.
Plan and expected results
To encourage our members to broaden their artistic horizons, and hopefully, to exhibit their work locally.