
Arts In Recovery




Team Fundraisers

The Arts In Recovery project involves people in rediscovering themselves through arts activities including crafts, drama, writing, choir and music groups. Arts provide an opportunity for self expression which builds self esteem, as well as helping people to reduce stress. Through these groups people find that laughter is the best antidote to the challenges of sustaining life without drink and drugs.

Why they need our service

Those in recovery from dependency want to rebuild their life and develop social activities that will build their self confidence, where they can be supported by others in recovery and learn new skills. This can often be daunting as many social activities involve venues such as bars, pubs and clubs. The Arts Groups provide a safe, supportive environment in which people can have a laugh, be creative, strengthen their recovery through peer support and discover new talents and interests.

Plan and expected results

* Fun, health and wellbeing * Choir performances * Drama performances * People learning musical instruments who have never had one before * Works of art for the community

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Edinburgh | Social Welfare