
Bath Half for the Bath City Farm

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

I'm running the Bath Half and trying to raise a few quid for Bath City Farm (BCF) who do amazing work providing access and connection to nature in a busy city especially to folks who are really in need of support. From learning to grow food, to developing new skills and relationships BCF is a pioneering space and charity. I'm keen to do a wee bit in raising the profile of a smaller charity out there doing largely invisible work which is super needed in the world right now. BCF has established itself as an essential hub for the surrounding communities of Twerton and Whiteway which are some of the most deprived areas in the country based upon the Government's classification using the index of multiple deprivation rank. BCF offers an extensive range of skill-building courses, community events and projects and volunteering opportunities to help local people gain the essential transferable skills that they require to gain employment or further training. All from a beautiful natural place and space. https://localgiving.org/charity/bathcityfarm/ Whatever you can give would be much appreciated. :-)
Bath City Farm Logo

Bath City Farm

Bath | Health & Wellbeing

Bath City Farm aids mental health and learning challenges with courses and activities, also serving as a free educational attraction for families. It needs donations to sustain its impactful community support programs.