Borderline Personality Disorder is a complex mental illness that affects around 1% of the population of the UK (Source: Mind).
As many of you may or may not know, it is one of the diagnoses I have lived with since 2009. It's difficult, life-altering, tiring, costly, and damaging.
There is a severe lack of understanding around this illness, not only from the general public but also from healthcare professionals. The stigma that surrounds it too often makes it difficult for individuals to seek and gain appropriate help.
Borderline Arts is a new arts and mental health charity. Borderline, Borderline Art and Borderline Theatre (now collectively known as Borderline Arts) were all projects founded by Sarah Eley and run by a fantastic and dedicated team of volunteers. Their goal is to use creativity to raise awareness and reduce stigma surrounding Borderline Personality Disorder (BPD).
Therefore, on October 24th, myself and a few other artists are taking part in an Artathon. From 10pm until 6am, we will be working non-stop overnight to create pieces that we will then auction off on November 15th.