If you didn't already know, Ben and I are are getting married on Saturday 8th September - woo! In celebration of this wondrous event we would like to help fundraise for the Growing People Project which operates next to the gardens where we are holding our wedding. We will also be attempting to summit Mt Kilimanjaro for our honeymoon so there's a little challenge element to it as well! ;)
Growing People is a mental health charity where qualified staff provide a range of services using social and therapeutic horticulture (STH) therapies to contribute to the wellbeing and recovery of Hertfordshire residents.
The project aids rehabilitation, promotes social inclusion, provides facilities for work experience, strengthens confidence and self-esteem and supports re-integration into the wider community to increase and develop their individual opportunities for future employment.
We are thrilled to be supporting such an amazing and local cause. Thank you for your support :)