
Bethan swims 5K

Physical Challenge




Team Fundraisers

Hi I'm Bethan Woodhouse, This will be the first time I've undertaken a challenge of this size! It's going to be a real milestone for me as one of the additional challenges I will face is that I'm registered blind. Recovery Cymru is a peer-led organisation which supports people struggling with substance misuse issues. It's more than that - it sounds glib, but it supports people with their lives, their whole lives. People sometimes turn to substance misuse because they can't deal with the hand they've been dealt in life and RC helps proactively to confront those issues and get people back on track. I'm doing this because I struggled with mental health problems since I was a teenager and I've had a lot of destructive coping strategies including alcohol misuse. I've been a "service-user" since a teenage and when I came to RC it all came together, its the only thing that's actually worked and it feels so right. I feel like it's become another family to me and I know there's a lot of love here. It's not just a service to use and drop it's something I feel a connection to. I'm grateful and I want to give back! In the issue of substance misuse that 1 DAY really matters - 1 DAY for some is a matter of life and death - I could have lost my life one day were it not for RC and I want to give back 1 day of support to someone else. Please, help me to do this :-)
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Recovery Cymru

Cardiff | Health & Wellbeing

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