
Bobble Day




Team Fundraisers

Put Friday 7 February 2014 in your diary now and be part of the thousands across the UK to get involved in Bobble Day and help make winter a better season for older people. Taking part is so simple and so much fun. All you need to do is wear something warm! From digging out your woolly jumpers and wearing them to work, to tea mornings or winter walks - whatever you do will make a difference for older people. Of course the wackier and woollier it is, the more money you are likely to raise.

Why they need our service

Age UK estimates that 1.7 million older people in the UK can't afford to heat their homes, and over a third (36%) of older people in the UK say they live mainly in one room to save money.Cold weather adds to the financial worries of older people. 30% say they avoid heating rooms like the bedroom, bathroom or living room because they are worried about the cost.

Plan and expected results

We distribute essential items like clothes, heaters and electric blankets to keep older people warm. We provide free information and advice to ease financial worries, and help older people to feel warm and well. Our handypeople provide energy services, like fitting draft excluders and radiator foils, as well as help with practical tasks around the home. We offer shopping support so those with mobility issues can get what they need

charity media
Age UK Milton Keynes Logo

Age UK Milton Keynes

Milton Keynes | Social Welfare

A local, independent charity in Milton Keynes helping older people to stay socially active, informed and independent in later life.

What your gift could provide


pays for a warming visit from a befriender


pays for a warming emergency food pack


provides 10 older people with a vital winter pack