
New community bus service for isolated communities




Team Fundraisers

We will be running a weekly door to door wheelchair accessible section 19 community bus to provide a 'not for profit' affordable service for some of the rural villages in Dorset. Picking people up from areas without a local bus service, taking them into the nearest Town Centre and home again. A friendly helpful driver provides assistance with wheelchairs, carrying shopping back to the home and seeing the person safely back home for a small fare which covers the cost of running the service.

Why they need our service

Local bus cuts have left some of the rural areas in East Dorset completely cut off from local transport leaving people without access to shop and enjoy leisure facilities affordably. There are more cuts planned so the problem is likely to worsen in the future. We need help to provide a community bus service so that people who are mainly elderly or disabled are not isolated and disadvantaged. Transport is expensive to provide and we aim to keep our costs as low as possible.

Plan and expected results

Every week we will help 20-40 people or more get to the nearest town to shop or use the facilities which prevents them becoming socially isolated with all the health problems that ensue. Older people make up 26.3%of the local population in Dorset which is higher than other places.. Many older people live alone and rely on the bus; friendships are made or strenghtened as a result of bus travel. Transport is vital to keeping a community thriving and we need your help to provide this service.



Bournemouth | Disability