
County fundraiser Phil is cycling 100km on a night bike ride




Team Fundraisers

Solve It VSA [abusing aerosols, gas and glue] kills an average of 1 person per week. The first time may be the last time.

Why they need our service

Solvent Abuse can Kill you instantly. 56% die the first time.It kills more 10-15 yr olds than all illegal drugs put together.Solve It teaches preventative work to children, youth, families, communities and professionals. We support 'users' and their families with online and telephone counselling. Volatile Substances are legal but they can be deadly, they can have huge effects on your health hurting both you and your family and loved ones. They affect the way you 'Think, Feel and Behave'.

Plan and expected results

We need to raise awareness to all members of the community regardless of cultural background. Success is knowledge and information enabling everyone to make safe choices.

Solve It VSA, now working as part of Re-Solv Logo

Solve It VSA, now working as part of Re-Solv

Stone | Education & Training

What your gift could provide


Helps raise awareness in the community


Provide some counselling and support


Education for children in schools, youth group etc