
There's Always a Chance Em will run 13.1 miles!

Physical Challenge





Team Fundraisers

Yes you read that correctly! I am swapping the heels for trainers, cutting out (OK cutting down on) the prosecco and preparing to run the Reading Half Marathon on Sunday 3rd April and here's the reason why... Nearly five years ago a dear family friend James Kouzaris and his friend James Cooper were tragically shot dead in Sarasota, Florida. Since then, their wonderful families and friends have all worked so hard to turn a truly devastating event into an opportunity to help others affected by violent crime. Always a Chance is a charity which aims to create a legacy for both men by supporting victims of violent crime whilst removing the endemic social causes which lead to violence and criminality amongst young people. Take a few minutes to read about the charity, the great work they have already done and find out about how your donations will make a huge difference to the lives of those affected by violent crime. http://www.alwaysachance.org.uk/see Please give what you can as I hope you will agree this is a very worthwhile cause and an issue that is actually closer to all of us than we probably realise. Thank you for all of your support. Emily xxx Together as one in the fight against violence. Always a Chance x
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Always a Chance

Northampton | Counselling, Advice & Mentoring