
Evergood Associates and Streets2Homes

Physical Challenge

£1.23k of £500





Team Fundraisers

Evergood Associates are proud to be raising funds for Streets2Homes, a local charity which provides a Day Centre which seeks to reach out to and help those who are facing homelessness or at risk of becoming homeless. The Day Centre provides a safe and friendly environment where people of all ages can access housing advice, practical assistance to secure accommodation, social contact, training sessions, employment advice, health services, washing facilities, food, clothing, general guidance and support. 

You only need to look at the testimonials of people who have been helped by this charity on their website to see what a difference they make to peoples’ lives - www.streets2homes.co.uk.

Streets2Homes was elected to be supported by staff who had entered to run the Circuit du Sore Legs in Ware on 2 June, but we will be raising much-needed funds for this charity by fundraising more widely across the business with team challenges in place.

Your support is much appreciated.   
Streets2Homes Logo


Harlow | Housing / Homelessness